Meeting called to order at 8:02am
Attendance: Clark Craig, Sharon Craig, Annette Gallegos, Kasey Correia, Tuggy Dunton, Amos Lee, Mike Pacheco, Carol Thompson, Charlie Flagg, Tony Harwig, Chris DeKay. Via Zoom: Emily Meisner, Bethany Powell, Rebecca York, Marcia Vining, Cynthia Dow
Sponsors: Porky’s Smokehouse for meeting and Farmers Fresh for coffee
October 2020 minutes approved. Annette Gallegos motioned. Sharon Craig 2nd the motion.
Financial Report from Carol Thompson: $6834.10 checking $656.26 savings
Presentation: Emily Meisner of La Plata Economic Alliance: The La Plata Economic Alliance started an “Economic Recovery Task Force” in March to help our economy recover gracefully from this pandemic. One campaign is to incentivize locals to “Buy Local.” When locals shop at participating shops, they can receive 10% back in a local gift card. La Plata Economic Development is requesting $1000.00 from Ignacio Chamber of Commerce.
Tuggy motioned to approve $500 contingent La Plata Economic Alliance request the other $500 from Town of Ignacio. Mike Pacheco second the motion. Motion was approved. Sharon Craig will be the point person.
Tuggy Dunton: Town has hired a public works director as well as part time help with water meters. The change from Wells Fargo to TBK bank is complete.
Sharon Craig: There is an ordinance on the table with Town Hall that deals with business licenses. Would like feedback from businesses.
Charley Flagg: Casino is still closed. Mass Covid testing December 7/8 at events parking lot. The skate park is complete but is not open. No grand opening date set yet due to stay at home order.
Chris DeKay: Schools are still open.
Bethany Powell: No covid cases at Pueblo Community. Started registration for spring semesters. Also Fire Science program will hopefully be available soon.
Annette Gallegos: TBK lobby is opening 11/16.
Tony Harwig: Los Pinos Fire won the approved mill levy. Used grant money for 2 CPR machines that are $15k each. We’ve had some incredible rescues from the Fire Department that deserve recognition.
Mike Pacheco: Just been busy with work.
Cynthia Dow: Align Tec: Local internet provider. Call 970.375.2771. Annette Gallegos gave a positive review of Align Tec.
Amos Lee: Sales are up 30% over October 2019. National Average is 20%. Have turkeys for the holidays. Hoard buying is affecting some of supply chain.
Rebecca York: Ignacio Chiropractic is doing great and keeping busy with patients.
Clark Craig mentioned for Kasey Correia the ELHI Light Parade Friday December 5 at 5:30, Please light up your businesses and homes on the parade route.
Next meeting December 2, 2020
Adjourned at 8:55am