Ignacio Chamber Meeting
April 5, 2023
Sky Ute Casino
Present: Bruce LeClaire, Tony Harwig, Ann Salviazul, Jeremy Shockley, Ann McCoy Harold, Susan
Cimburek, Amos Lee, Isaiah Lee, Kristen Johnston, Andrea Taylor, Jessica Dunbar, Carol
Thompson, Mike Pacheco, Randall Haynes, Kasey Correia, Alyson Hildner, Marcia Vining, Brian
Crane, Trinity Crane, Eva Lewis, Tuggy Dunton, Clark and Sharon Craig
Called to Order: 8:05am
Welcome Visitors
Time of Reflection: Pastor Randall Haynes
Thank you to Sky Ute Casino for hosting the meeting and sponsoring breakfast.
Announcement of the 2023 officers
President - Clark Craig
Vice President - Amos Lee
Treasure - Carol Thompson
Secretary - Rebecca York
March Minutes: Andrea Taylor moved to accept March minutes. Tuggy second. All
Financials: $7541.73 in checking and $4658.99 in savings.
Presentation: Thank you to Eva Lewis, Ignacio Creative District Director presentation attached.
Looking for Community input and engagement. Please attend the April 20th Meet and Greet to
get involved.
Old Business:
Green Chili Fest is set for Saturday, September 2, 2023. Waiting for response for Special Event
Permit. Next meeting will be April 12th at the Ignacio Community Library at 2:30pm
New Business: Chamber Board has agreed to oversee the 2024 Taste of Christmas, Kasey will
be in charge of this committee
Round Table Updates:
Bruce LeClaire – Boys and Girls Club - Scholarships for Summer attendees. Rural Philanthropy
Days will be in the area they will visit Ignacio on June 7th at 9am planning visits to Sun Ute
Community Center, ELHI possibly KSUT. Looking for donations for Swag Bags for philanthropists
and sponsors for the event. https://www.bgcsu.org/
ELHI – Ignite gymnasts very successful all 7 qualified for Regionals. Looking for support to travel
to Texas for Regionals. 2nd Saturday Pine River Share Food Distribution, Clothing Closet open
Tuesdays and Fridays (10am-2pm), Space available for rent. https://www.theelhiignacio.org/
Los Pinos Fire Protection District – Currently Training Wildland Crews they will be stationed
here June/July/August but will work nationally as needed. Within the next couple of weeks
they will staff will be onsite in Arboles. Upper Pine has scholarships for interested parties to
attend EMT School for free. https://www.lospinosfire.com/
Southern Ute Drum – Lots of activities they are covering. New printer has been very good
quality. 2-23 Calendars on sale for $15. Current issue in print will be 28 pages. Thanks to the
Drum for the coverage of our community!! Opportunity for businesses to get large prints of
Drum photos to display at their business for cost of printing.
Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum – Working to combine marketing efforts for all the
tribal venues. https://www.southernutemuseum.org/
Jack-A-Lope Acres – Planning to open May 25th. Working with visit Durango, when visitors go to
the Visitor Center they will recommend as a destination. Discussion looking at ways to get
visitors to Ignacio for numerous activities such as visiting the Museum, going to Jack-A-Lope,
trip to Fox Fire Farms. Also, discussion about creating a community map and calendar.
Isaiah –
Farmers Fresh – Battling inflation/pricing, trying to keep prices affordable for the community.
Positions open in the deli. https://farmersfreshco.com/
Sky Ute Casino – Check out the Easter Buffet at the Willos this weekend. (large brunch variety)
Continuing the summer youth program contact Jessica Dunbar. Romance, Family and Local
packages for the hotel available. https://www.skyutecasino.com/accommodations/resort-
Ignacio Community Church – Join them for Easter Service. Memorial for Donna Young April
22nd at 1pm. https://www.ignaciocommunitychurch.org/
Ignacio School District – Meet and Greet for new Kindergarteners. State Testing soon. April 8th
sports activities all day. https://athletics.ignacioschools.org/
Dancing Spirit – working with United Way Team Up to help kids access scholarships for summer
activities. Need donors. https://unitedway-swco.org/for-the-kids/
Community Banks of Colorado – Please help get the word out they have 3 positions available
(teller, banker and manager)
Ignacio Community Library – Check out April Newsletter https://www.ignaciolibrary.org/wp-
Community Parties back every 2nd Friday, June, July and August.
The Voices of Ignacio Project - Do you remember going to the movies at the Ute Theatre or
Buckskin Drive-In Theatre? Please share your stories and preserve Ignacio community history.
VoicesofIgnacio@gmail.com or call (970)563-9287 Visit the voices website to learn more and
hear other recordings https://voicesofignacio.cvlcollections.org/
Town of Ignacio – Still working with citizens on higher utility bills. Received a grant for 2MIL for
infrastructure at Rock Creek (housing development) asked La Plata County for an additional
$700,000. Hopefully will be able to start turning dirt soon after going through the planning
process. Additionally, the SUIT has asked for 7.5MIL in congressional spending to build five 5-
plexes in the center of this development. Lots of collaboration in the community to provide
affordable housing for employees in the community and county.
Discussion concerning next meeting due to conflict with the SBCD SW Colorado Small Business
Conference. The consensus was to push the chamber meeting to May 10th. To register
Adjourned at 9:28 am
Next Meeting – May 10, 2023 Guest Speaker: Teresa Bagdol, Celebrate Recovery
June Meeting – June 7, 2023 Guest Speaker: Angie Beach, Music in the Mountains
July Meeting – July 5, 2023 Guest Speaker: Marcia Vinning, ICL Bookmobile launch TBD