Ignacio Chamber Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2021 at Porky’s Smokehouse
Called to order at 8:02 am
Attendance: Clark Craig, Sharon Craig, Carol Thompson, Rebecca York, Rocco Fuschetto, Amos Lee, Annette Gallegos, Mike Pacheco, Ann McCoy, Ron Dunavant, Charley Flagg, Brian Rose, Marcia Vining
December Minutes: Sharon motioned. Marcia second. Approved.
Financial Updates: provided the Board with annual financial review. Checking: $6338.44 and $656.25 in savings. Scholarships checks are still outstanding = $1000.00.
By-Laws were mailed or handed out. Vote to approve in March meeting.
Accepting nominations for 2 seats (Clark Craig and Tuggy Dunton term/seats are up). Voting will be for paid members only in March 2021 meeting.
Looking at value proposition for Ignacio Chamber. Please send ideas and/or feedback to Ignacio Chamber email. IE: what can the Ignacio Chamber do for my business or how can we provide value to local businesses.
Round Table Discussions:
Rocco Fuschetto: Be aware of unemployment scam. People are filing unemployment under names of currently employed. Character Counts: yellow. Can nominate someone for character counts. The school board is conduction superintendent interviews. School is still in person. Project: “Community of Readers” – a campaign to promote reading. Requesting posters to be placed in businesses. Basketball opens 1/20 open gym. No spectators but will live stream. District refinanced its bonds saving $250k.
Journii: Boys and Girls club is still closed but registration is open for 2021. Also Valentines Fund Raiser happening in February. Asking businesses to sell “hearts” for donations.
Ann McCoy: keeping up to date on news.
Marcia Vining: charging station for electric cars. Via credit cards. Library is open: 8-5 Monday – Saturday. Library is celebrating 50 years in business. Will have digital sign working soon.
Ron Dunavant: waiting on disbursement of second stimulus check. Contact your local lender.
Brian Rose: Expecting stimulus package to provide funding and grants for programs.
Amos Lee: Finished the year strong, Hiring customer service.
Charley Flagg: Covid testing Jan 11/12. December had 664 positive covid cases.
Annette Gallegos: Will let you know when we have PPP funding information. Housing has increased $100k in the last 5 years.
Mike Pacheco: Staying busy, slower but steady. Have 1 bedroom trailer for rent soon.
Kasey Correia: operating business with sanitation procedures in place. After school program coming back soon. Dancing Spirit is applying to buy American Legion Building. There are 2 seats open for the Board.
Rebecca York: Membership renewals are due by March 1, 2021. Also send the Chamber any business promotions or info that you would like posted on social media.
Sharon Craig: Met with Economic Alliance, hoping 5-star program will help restaurants re-open, Unemployment in Colorado is down, but up in La Plata county. The housing industry is running out of houses to sell. Town of Ignacio: . Bayfield received $150k and Ignacio received $37k to help via the Cares Act with utility bills. The difference is based on population.
Clark Craig: 43 restaurants applied for 5-star program.
Carol Thompson: W-2 and 1099’s are due at the end of the month
Tony Harwig: no covid at the station. Budget is better with mill levy. Looking at applications for assistant chief.
Next Meeting: February 3, 2021.
Meeting adjourned: 8:49am