Ignacio Chamber of Commerce
February 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Opening: Meeting was called to order at 8:02 am by Trennie Collins in the Sky Ute Casino meeting room.
Attendance/Sign-In Sheet: Rebecca York, Carol Thompson, Alebl Velasquez, Bethany Powell, Micke Pacheco, Kasey Correia, Bruce LeClaire, Journii Nez, Merlin Flake, Ellie Flake, Clark Craig, Sharon Craig, Raymond Dunton, Rocco Fuschetto, Kirk Phillips, Bobbie Rosa, Annette Gallegos, Marcia Vining, Erik Beres, Charley Flagg, Jessica Dunbar, Ron Dunavant, Louise Wilson, Amos Lee, Shannon Mullane, Tony Harwig, Mandy Brown
Guest Speaker/Presentation: Precious Collins presentation from Tribal Behavioral Health and their coalition with ROAR and Celebrating Healthy Communities for suicide and drug awareness and prevention for 0-24 year old youth.
Treasury/Carol: $7123.42 Paid $838.00 insurance and last scholarship. Savings $656.00
President/Trennie: Sharon Craig Resignation accepted by the board. Trennie nominated Many Brown for position and Clark Craig also volunteered for board position. Members voted: Mandy 7. Clark Craig 15. Clark Craig approved for board seat.
March 2020 Carol Thompson and Mike Pacheco’s board terms are done. 2 seats will be open. Paid members can vote at March 2020 meeting.
We are also looking at an after hours meeting in the next few months.
Trennie will also be working on a Chamber Directory.
We are also looking at other Web design and hosting options.
Elections in March 2020.
Member Updates:
Abel Velasquez SUIT Rec Center: Dive in Movies Feb 28. Brazillian JuJitsu offered on T/TH. Still can join.
Bethany Powell/Pueblo Comm: Virtual Classes starting. CPR and CAN courses start Feb 19. Summer classes available.
Tony Harwig/Los Pinos Fire: Millage approval needed, public meeting next week, last month we had 81 emergencies, we are down to 4 fireman.
Amos Lee/Farmers Fresh: community involvement with suicide in important, March is double food bucks/WIC. We are working on local produce.
Charlie/Casino: Ronnie Millsap Concert with Hope Christian Academy Benefit Dinner March 7. Tickets start at $35.00
Erik/Community Bank: Looking for employees
Marcia/Library: Snowdown escape room a success, Youth Services replacement Deanna Trujillo,
Bobbie SUIT Rehab: Group meeting 1xmonth, SW Rainbow Youth celebrating 1 year
Rocco/School District: Middle school needs guest speakers. We are struggling for teachers. Need Bachelors and Teaching Certificate – which we can help with that process, Spring Sports beginning.
Raymond/ELHI: 2 new tenants at ELHI
Sharon/Econ Development – Emily Meisner is program director and hired Michael Finch as Executive Director. Workforce event for high school students Feb 18. Sending information for event and internships .
Clark/Meadowbrook: Utility rates increase. Must support Los Pinos millage.
Journii/B&GC: Boys and Girls club had an obstacle at snow-down, hearts fundraiser a success and thanked business participation.
Kasey/Dancing Spirit: Adult Pottery class $25 T9-12 and Friday 1-3. Afterschool pottery as well.
Kasey/Creative District: Board Vacancy of 2, Next meeting is Thursday 9:30-11. 501c3 approved.
Carol/CPA: Corp taxes due March 15, Personal taxes due April 15.
Trennie: SUIT training March 13. See Facebook.
Welcome Clark to Board. Trennie Nominates Mandy Brown for March 2020 board seat for vote.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 am