Ignacio Chamber Meeting
December 1, 2021
Porky’s Smokehouse
Called to Order: 8:03am
Present: Clark Craig, Sharon Craig, Tuggy Dunton, Andrea Taylor, Erik Behres, Amos Lee, Tony Harwig, Heather Velasquez, Mike Pachecco, Shalina Luna, Nita Emerson, Kasey Correia, Carol Thompson, Rebecca York, Cori Stevens, Bobby Rosa, Bruce LeClair,
Thank you to Amos Lee at Farmers Fresh for coffee + Donuts
Thank you to Dayson Goetz for hosting our meeting at Porky’s Smokehouse
Clark Craig: Casino offered to move the Chamber meetings back to Sky Ute Casino in January 2022. The Chamber agreed.
Minutes (October, November,) Tuggy Dunton motioned to approve. Kasey Correia and Sharon Craig Second the motion. All approved.
Financials: $9393.83 Checking + $656.31 Savings
2022 proposed budget was presented
Old Business: Taste of Christmas & Light Parade with Floats. Decorate at 3:00. Line up at 4:30. Parade begins at 5:30pm. Santa flying in. Santa Pics at ELHI.
New Business:
Clark Craig: Auctioned Ignacio sweatshirt and 10 punch pass to local sporting events. Erik Beres won the bid for $50.
Tuggy Dunton: Final inspection for new town light sometime next week along with white striping. Land Use & Development code: December 8 is public hearing and December 13 for approval. Budget adoption meeting December 13 with public hearing for rate change.
Andrea Taylor: The Casino has parties scheduled for December and January. Open community and Tribe Covid testing on December 13th . Charley Flagg was last day November 18th and had a celebration and he was given a jacket. Chamber meetings will resume at the Casino in January. Masks must be worn into casino. Tribal members Thanksgiving December 11th.
Cory Stevens: Survey for the school due December 10th.
Kasey Correia: February 12th is a Black Tie Fundraiser at the Casino for Dancing Spirit. Bowls will be for sale for $15 at ELHI after the parade.
Clark Craig: 2 Board Member positions will be opening up in March 2022. Santa is flying in for the parade. KSUT will be announcing the parade.
Marcia Vining: Library stuffed animal sleep over next Wednesday Dec 8th. Library will be passing out goodies bag at parade. Accepting donations for goody bags.
Nita Emerson: 7 positions opened. Bus driver, adult supervisor, youth services etc., Modular update discussion on next board meeting. Set up cost is too costly. Board members applications and recommendations on website.
Carol Thompson: Busy working
Rebecca York: Will be serving hot toddies for the parade
Sharon Craig: Would like to discuss at Economic Development Alliance meeting to include Ignacio – along with Bayfield and Durango.
Erik Beres: Be aware of scammers during the holidays IE Amazon gift cards etc.,
Bruce LeClaire: Boys & Girls Club is still closed. Doing virtual meetings. Christmas Sweater contest for the holidays. Toy Drive this month. ROAR (Recognizing Opportunity Around Resilience).
Amos Lee: Great year and Thanksgiving season. Christmas prime rib available. Breaking ground on new grocery store in Three Springs March 2022.
Bobbi Rosa: Christmas dinner December 11th. Covid testing December 13th
Tony Harwig: Be aware of suicide increases during the holidays. Fire department will be carrying Santa at Parade. Bought a new ambulance for $7500 + $50k in medical equipment. Budget set for 2022. Construction of Arboles Fire Department will begin Monday.
Heather Velasquez: Store is good. Buy local.
Mike Pachecco: Busy and getting caught up. Materials are down.
Shalina Luna: Doing 12 days of Christmas at Crème de la Crème. Supporting local vendors at the coffee shop. Also have a coat rack offering a coat if someone needs it.
Adjourned 9:04am