Ignacio Chamber Meeting
August 3, 2022
Sky Ute Casino
(Notes from previous recording – difficult to hear all speakers. Apologies.)
Called to Order: 8:01am
Minutes: Tabled.
Financials: Tabled
Directory Update: 2400 directories are being printed and will be mailed out soon.
Presentation: Candace from Advocates for Recovery Colorado – Durango. August 31 is national overdose awareness day.
Green Chili Fest September 3rd at Farmers Fresh. Music. Corn Hole Tournament. Face Painting. Secret Circus Society. Beer tent. Vendors. We need volunteers! Set up Friday night. Thank you to Los Pinos Fire provided chairs.
Round Table Discussion:
Bruce LeClaire: Finished with summer program. Beginning after school program now. Activity Fridays (for no school students) with transportation, breakfast and lunch, and activities. Need staff and board members.
Kristin from Jack-a-Lope: Getting ready for fall festivities. Looking for staff for Fridays + Saturdays and Sundays. $18/hr. September 17th Fall Festival. Jackalopeacresfarm.com
Mike Pacheco: still waiting on supplies.
Community Bank of Colorado: Looking for bank-tellers.
Jack Turner: running for county commissioner
Marcia Vining: Craft day: September 23 at 1:00. Virtual authors meetings. Access to at least 4 authors a month.
Tony Harwig: Crews are released from DIA and heading to black hills fires.
Bobbie Rosa: Thanked Candace for individualized approach.
Andrea Taylor: Casino is booked for the month of August. Working with schools for Friday activities. Hiring staff. Go to website. Will train.
Amy: Go to KSUT.org for list of festivities. Sept 7 – 11 for Tribal Fair + Pow-Wow. Skaters at skate park and events are encouraged to wear helmets. Montessori school is looking for staff. August is Breast feeding awareness month + free t ’shirts + walk.
Tuggy Dunton: Continuing to work on broadband and housing projects. Appreciation to Candace and helping the community in recovery. Green Chili Fest: need vendors and volunteers Creative District: need board members and coordinated with St Ignatius this past weekend. Working to be state certified when that opens up in February.
Ann/ELHI: Busy summer with summer programs + Dancing Spirit art camps + ignite gymnastics
Tribal Fair and Pow-wow Sept 7-11 and the rodeo is Sept 16th
Adjourned: 9:10am