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Ignacio Chamber of Commerce

August 2021 Ignacio Chamber Meeting Minutes

Ignacio Chamber Meeting Minutes

August 4, 2021

Porky’s Smokehouse

Present: Clark Craig, Sharon Craig, Natalie Howard, Pastor Meyer, Eric Beres, Tony Harwig, Mike Pacheco, Heather Velasquez, Rebecca York, Amos Lee, Marcia Vining, Brittainy Banwart, Tuggy Dunton

Called to Order: 8:04am

June 2021 and July 2021 Minutes: Tuggy motioned. Sharon second. Minutes approved.

Sharon Craig: Green Chili Fest is September 4th behind Farmers Fresh. 12 – 4. Tasting begins at noon. Circus around 1:00. Need Volunteers. Donations for sponsorship are being accepted. To be mentioned on the poster, please have donations in by August 9th. The Chamber board approved to increase the budget to $2700.00.

Amos Lee gave an update on Jack Turner’s “Intersections.” Mr. Turner would like to set up a public meeting to share idea and hopefully to get land-owners to get on board.

Amos Lee: Farmers Fresh has peaches and corn. Roasting Green Chilis. Have staff openings. Working on 3-Spring store. Brisket cookoff October 9th.

Erik Beres: Community bank is opened, full-staffed, and opening many accounts.

Tony Harwig: Department returning from Dixie Fire. Looking for fire-fighters, volunteer training going well, Arboles expansion set to begin 9/15/2021.

Mike Pacheco: Material delivery is slow. Business is good.

Heather Velasquez: Business is better and new faces/customers coming in. Still having shipping issues.

Marcia Vining: Need 2 staff. Summer program was wonderful. Over 100+ kids signed up. August 13th is music night with food trucks. Non-Profit advertising space available on front Library sign. Working on fall program. Naoma Jones passed away. Library will be dedicating a reading room to her.

Natalie Howard: Silver Spruce. Still running. In temporary location. But bought a property for future school. Ground-breaking ceremony August 26th at 6pm. Currently have 50-75 kids.

Pastor Meyer: Praying for businesses and promoting optimism (versus living in fear).

Rebecca York: Chiropractic office is doing elementary and high school sports physicals for $25

Brittainy Banwart: Brisket cookoff is Saturday October 9. Looking for judges. Grocery app and online ordering is going great.

Tuggy Dunton: Town Hall is returning to standard billing with $10 late fee, disconnections and reconnection fees will be charged on all accounts with outstanding balances. 1 year past due can make payments if keeping current bill paid. Heading to training and will be stopping at Grand Junction and Ridgeway’s Creative Districts. Intersection should be complete beginning of September. Land use development code update still in the works. Next town meeting is hybrid (in person and zoom). Police department is fully staffed.

Sharon Craig: Economic Summit is 9.21.2021

Clark Craig: Shannon from Durango Herald will be reaching out for comments and will be attending Chamber meetings. Ignacio Planning meeting 8.11.201. Please send thoughts to Sean and Kristy Davis and Kylee Pontine.

8.25.2021 is teacher meet and greet at the elementary school

Adjourned: 9:05am

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